Our Team

A Versatile Network of Professionals

At Neoground GmbH, the team is far greater than the sum of its parts. Led by our visionary CEO, we rely on collaboration with external experts and the advanced application of artificial intelligence. This allows us to operate on multiple fronts simultaneously, driving innovation forward.

->> CEO & CTO - Sven Reifschneider

In an industry marked by rapid change, our CEO Sven Reifschneider is consistently at the forefront. As the founder and managing director, he combines comprehensive technical expertise with diverse interests such as photography. This enables him not only to tackle technical challenges but also to develop aesthetic and holistic solutions. With over a decade of experience in the IT sector and a passion for technology that dates back to his childhood, he is the driving force behind Neoground GmbH and our primary point of contact for all matters.

->> AI as an Engine of Innovation

In a world where data and automation are increasingly significant, AI plays a pivotal role in our team. Utilizing cutting-edge AI technologies allows our CEO to enhance his productivity by 400%. This elevates the output of an individual to the level of a traditional team and enables us to focus on projects of greater scale and complexity.

CEO & CTO - Sven Reifschneider
A Dynamic Network

->> A Dynamic Network

Although we currently lack a permanent internal staff, our collaboration with a network of external experts enables us to execute a wide array of projects. Over the years, we have built strong partnerships across various specialties, from web development to AI applications. This flexible structure allows us to dynamically adapt to the ever-changing demands of the market and our clients.

->> Journey Towards Team Culture - Our Vision

As highlighted on other pages of our web presence, we aspire to build a continuously growing internal team. We are committed to creating a work environment that nurtures talent and offers space for personal and professional growth. Together, we aim not only to deliver high-quality products and services but also to make a positive impact on society and the environment.

->> Insight Into Our Team Dynamics

In our vision for the future team, we place special emphasis on aspects such as transparency, continuous improvement, and equal opportunities. Each member will have the opportunity to work in an environment that values not only professional excellence but also individual development. Our corporate culture, grounded in openness, sustainability, and respect, will play a central role.

->> More Than Just Employees

Our team philosophy extends to our external partners and clients as well. We consider everyone who collaborates with us to be an extended member of our team. This inclusive attitude allows us to incorporate diverse perspectives and expertise into our work, thereby creating holistic and sustainable solutions.

While our team page may currently be a work in progress, it reflects our vision and plans for the future. At Neoground, every project is a team project, and we are proud to embark on this exciting journey with each of our partners and employees.

Insight Into Our Team Dynamics

->> Setting Digital Milestones Together

Are you facing challenges in your digital transformation and looking for the ideal partner to overcome them? Whether it's a custom website, an innovative web application, an effective landing page, or a revolutionary app – Neoground is your key to success. We also offer specialized AI consulting to optimize your business processes and unlock new growth opportunities. Our dedicated team of digital experts is ready to tackle your individual challenges and provide tailored solutions. Let us help you and explore new digital horizons together. Contact us today via email or chat – we look forward to your questions and inquiries!

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event_available Your Vision, Our Innovation – Your Path to Digital Success!
Your ideas deserve to be realized with expertise and passion. At Neoground, we possess not only the capacity but also the innovative mindset to successfully execute your projects. Whether you're looking to advance your web development, wish to develop an app, or are in search of comprehensive AI consulting – we stand ready to effectively bring your projects to fruition. Seize the opportunity to benefit from our available capacities and drive the digital transformation of your company forward. Do not hesitate, get in touch with us – together, we will turn your digital dreams into reality.