Our WebStarter package for your company offers a custom, modern website quickly and efficiently created through the use of artificial intelligence. The days of waiting weeks or months for your new website are over. With our advanced technology, we deliver a personalized website that perfectly represents your brand and appeals to your target audience. Whether you're creating your first professional website or modernizing an outdated one, we have the perfect solution for you.
Small businesses often face the challenge of developing a professional online presence. Website builders and pre-made (WordPress) themes offer quick solutions, but these sites often look generic and offer little flexibility. Traditional agencies, on the other hand, can be expensive and time-consuming. You need a website that reflects your individuality and stands out from the crowd – and all at an affordable price.
With our WebStarter package, we combine the latest technologies with creative design to create a unique and high-quality website for your company. By utilizing AI, we can generate appealing images and texts perfectly tailored to your business. This allows for quick and cost-efficient website creation without compromising on quality. Your website will not only look great but also perform exceptionally well.
Our entry-level version, starting at €1,499, offers an affordable yet professional solution for small businesses. This version includes all the essential features you need to create an impressive online presence, including a responsive design and basic SEO optimizations.
For businesses desiring more interactive and dynamic elements, our extended Pro version starting at €1,899 offers additional features. These include advanced designs, dynamic content, and more flexibility to make your website even more attractive and user-friendly.
For larger and more complex projects, we recommend our NextLevel Web package starting at €2,499. This solution is ideal for businesses needing an extensive website with numerous custom pages, forms, and integrations. With NextLevel Web, you get a comprehensive solution that meets all your requirements and positions your business optimally in the digital space.
With WebCare, we offer you a comprehensive management and hosting package for your website. Our service ensures your website is always secure, up-to-date, and optimally performing. From regular security updates to performance monitoring and content adjustments, we handle all technical and administrative tasks. This allows you to fully concentrate on your core business while we professionally manage your online presence.
Best of all: If you choose our WebStarter package, you will receive the first 3 months of WebCare Basic, valued at over €200, for free. Let us be your reliable partner for all web-related matters.
Due to high demand and overwhelming response, we have extended our promotion until the end of January 2025!
We are proud to support the digital transformation of regional businesses. As part of our mission to help local companies establish and grow in the digital world, we offer exclusive discounts for businesses from our region Wetterau / Main-Kinzig-Kreis / Vordertaunus. This initiative aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises improve their IT infrastructure and strengthen their online presence without breaking the budget.
In addition to our specialized solutions, we offer a wide range of complementary services aimed at supporting your business holistically and taking your digital transformation to the next level. Each of our offerings is designed to increase your efficiency, enhance your competitiveness, and strengthen your business sustainably. Let us help you achieve your digital goals and prepare your company for the future.
Are you facing challenges in your digital transformation and looking for the ideal partner to overcome them? Whether it's a custom website, an innovative web application, an effective landing page, or a revolutionary app – Neoground is your key to success. We also offer specialized AI consulting to optimize your business processes and unlock new growth opportunities. Our dedicated team of digital experts is ready to tackle your individual challenges and provide tailored solutions. Let us help you and explore new digital horizons together. Contact us today via email or chat – we look forward to your questions and inquiries!
If not stated otherwise: All prices are net, +19% VAT.