->> Charm Structure: A Galactic Guide <<-


In a galaxy not so far away, you've embarked on a journey to create a web application using the Charm PHP Framework. To ensure your quest is successful, you must understand the structure of your project. Here, we'll explore the Charm project structure and provide a brief overview of each folder's purpose.

├── app/
│  ├── Config/
│  │   ├── Environments/
│  │   ├── Lang/
│  │   ├── connections.yaml
│  │   ├── main.yaml
│  │   ├── modules.yaml
│  │   └── user.yaml
│  ├── Controllers/
│  ├── Jobs/
│  │   ├── Console/
│  │   └── Cron/
│  ├── Models/
│  ├── Routes/
│  ├── System/
│  │   ├── EventListener/
│  │   ├── Exceptions/
│  │   ├── Middleware/
│  │   ├── Migrations/
│  │   └── Traits/
│  ├── Views/
│  ├── app.env
│  └── Engine.php
├── assets/
├── data/
├── var/
├── vendor/
├── .gitignore
├── .htaccess
├── .composer.json
├── .composer.lock
├── index.php
├── LICENSE.md
├── nginx.conf
├── phpunit.xml
└── README.md

Let's dive deeper into the cosmic world of Charm project structure inside the app folder:

File / Folder Purpose
Config/ Configuration files
Config/Environments Environment-specific configuration files
Config/Lang Language translation yaml files (i18n)
Controllers/ Controllers
Jobs/Console Console commands
Jobs/Cron Cron jobs
Models/ Models
Routes/ Routes
System/EventListener Event listeners executed when an event is fired
System/Exceptions Custom exceptions
System/Middleware Middlewares, e.g., for authentication in routes
System/Migrations Database migration (table creation) files
System/Traits Traits
Views/ Contains all Twig view files
app.env Contains the name of the environment to use (gitignored)
Engine.php Entry file for the Charm module "App"

->> Embracing Modularity: The Galactic Approach


In the vast universe of web development, the Charm PHP Framework stands out with its core principle: modularity. This powerful concept allows developers to build flexible and scalable applications, much like the intricate interconnections between the stars and planets of the galaxy.

--> A Modular Core: The Vivid Nexus

At the heart of Charm lies the central core, Vivid. This celestial force holds everything together and registers each module, making it available through the magic magnet. With Vivid, you can easily access any module within the system by invoking


--> Modular Building Blocks: Planetary Components

Charm's modular architecture ensures that every aspect of the framework is encapsulated within its own module. This includes input data, custom classes (such as formatting), connections (like SQL or Redis), and internal structures like AppStorage.

By embracing modularity, you can replace existing modules or integrate the best tools and libraries for your custom projects. This approach allows you to create a truly tailored application, as unique as the celestial bodies that inhabit the galaxy.

--> Developing Your Own Constellations: Custom Modules

The Charm framework encourages you to create your own modules for different parts of your application. This modular design enables you to build a plug-in system or streamline development in larger teams, fostering collaboration like the gravitational pull between celestial bodies.

To integrate your custom modules, simply link them in the app/modules.yaml configuration file. With this approach, you can easily extend your application's functionality and harness the full potential of Charm's modular architecture.

--> Conclusion

By adopting the modular philosophy of the Charm PHP Framework, you can embark on a cosmic journey through web development, creating flexible and scalable applications. With the power of modularity and the guiding light of the Vivid core, your web applications will shine like the stars in the galaxy.