->> HTTP Module <<-
In the vast galaxy of web development, where the Force — both Light and Dark — governs the destiny of your applications, Charm's built-in HTTP Module serves as your lightsaber, allowing you to wield the formidable powers of HTTP requests with precision and agility. Built upon the renowned Guzzle package, this module offers a robust interface to perform various HTTP methods while also supporting all the Guzzle features. Our mantra is simple: to make your journey from Padawan to Master as seamless as possible.
->> Methods and Examples
All the methods in the HTTP module can be accessed using the C::Http()->...
Let's delve into the available methods:
-> Get
Invoke an HTTP GET request.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
get(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->get('https://api.example.com/users', ['headers' => ['Authorization' => 'Bearer token']]);
echo $response->getBody();
-> Delete
Execute an HTTP DELETE request to remove a resource.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
delete(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->delete('https://api.example.com/users/1');
echo $response->getStatusCode(); // Should return 204 for successful deletion
-> Head
Make a HEAD request, which is similar to GET but without the response body.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
head(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->head('https://api.example.com/users');
$headers = $response->getHeaders();
-> Options
Invoke an OPTIONS request to discover available methods for a resource.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
options(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->options('https://api.example.com/users');
-> Patch
Use PATCH to apply partial modifications to a resource.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
patch(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->patch('https://api.example.com/users/1', ['json' => ['name' => 'NewName']]);
-> Post
Execute a POST request to create a new resource.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
post(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->post('https://api.example.com/users', ['json' => ['name' => 'John']]);
-> Put
Use PUT to update a resource or create it if it doesn't exist.
It returns a HttpResponse
(see below) or throws an Exception if the request didn't succeed.
The options are passed to Guzzle, so you can use all Guzzle Request Options.
put(string $url, array $options = []): HttpResponse
$response = C::Http()->put('https://api.example.com/users/1', ['json' => ['name' => 'John']]);
-> Get a new Client
Generate a new Guzzle client with optional configurations.
getNewClient(array $config = []): Client
$newClient = C::Http()->getNewClient(['base_uri' => 'https://newapi.example.com']);
->> Response Methods
Every HttpResponse object you receive from all request specific methods has several utility functions:
Description | Method | Response Type |
Get the whole body string | getBody() |
string |
Get the status code of the response | getStatusCode() |
int |
Get the JSON body as array or object | getJsonBody($asarray = true) |
array or object |
Get all response headers | getHeaders() |
array |
Get a specific response header | getHeader(string $name) |
array |
Get the whole guzzle response object | getGuzzleResponse() |
ResponseInterface |
->> Conclusion
The HTTP Module in Charm is not just another cog in the machine; it is the Kyber crystal at the core of your development lightsaber. It gives you not just the tools but also the agility to engage with the Force — be it RESTful APIs, third-party integrations, or any other HTTP-enabled data source. So go ahead, young Padawan, may the source be with you!